
1st B-day Party

Sunday, July 4, 2010

We have a Toddler!

Yep, its true, Austin is officially a Toddler now!!
Austin turned 1 whopping year old on June 23rd. We do anything but play a LOT that day. We had his yellow and blue rubber ducky themed party on the following Sunday. I worked my butt off leading up to the event to do a couple things to prep for the event in the days leading up to Sunday.
J's mom was going to fly to Vegas and pick up Marcy and Lindsey (A's aunt and new cousin) but due to some terrible news - Grandma Fran had a stroke and fell the night before the flight- she was not able to make it out to visit us. That made me sad for several obvious reasons. 1. Grandma Fran - hope she recovers soon 2. I was so looking forward to seeing my in-laws and that beautiful baby girl!!
But I took on a project and decided to make all the treats from scratch. I made little yellow ducky chocolate molds (thanks Karla who borrowed me the molds), I made 2 batches of sugar cookies in which I dyed sugar yellow orange and blue (for the bubble cookies) and than dyed home made frosting and decorated them all on top of the sugar used. I also made these cupcakes that looked like actual rubber duckies! I bought this great book that showed me how to do it. It was great and they turned out really well. I even carved out a ducky shaped cake just for Austin to dig into.
Go Me!! Pics of event are on facebook.
We had his 1 year appt and shots on Friday and that afternoon the fever started. My poor baby was so out of it all Saturday and just wanted me to hold him. I was nervous but the next morning he slept in and the fever was gone! WHOHOO!! that would have sucked for his party.
Now - we had to get blood work and it came back irregular!! I know, scary. So we had to get more blood work and the doc told us we should get a blood allergy test at the same time since we were already there. Well the girl drawing blood couldn't find his vein and just kept poking and re-poking him and had to try both arms. He still has little bruises from that.. THAT SUCKED!
Than on Thursday this past week we had his ENT appt that we waited 7 weeks for.. I know.. super long. The doc thinks that the problem causing his continuous sinus and ear infections may be enlarged adenoids. We went to get an X-ray and since A is 1 and unruly now, we had to put him in this plastic tube thing that wasn't the right size for him and it was like watching my child suffer in a torture device. I almost cried as I held his arms which were awkwardly poking through a small space. I just told her that she needed to hurry up and the 1st pic worked so we got my screaming Austin out of the device. SERIOUSLY? Is there nothing else out there that is for these type of pics and for 1 yr olds?? I mean technology is amazing.. lets work on this smart people!
On Friday I got a call back from my pedi and the results were in on his allergy and blood test. Okay so the original irregular red blood cells were now regular so no anemia. YAY!! But he is allergic to Milk (which we pretty much knew), and also .. Egg Whites, Soy Beans and Wheat. WHAT?? but he drinks soy formula!! Allergies are scaled 0-5, 5 being the worse. He is a 5 for milk and eggs and a 3 for soy and wheat. She thinks that is why he has been able to handle that formula.. but now knowing it is bad for him, what am I supposed to give him? Now we must make yet another doc appt for a new doctor - Pediatric Allergist. So I will have to call now and get that appt scheduled. UGH! my poor baby.

But we are lucky to have such a happy adventurous baby/toddler boy!! He just figured out how to open cupboards and take stuff out. But he organized it by size or color and than puts it back most of the time. So funny!! He has been clapping and for like 2 weeks straight he just said "HI" to everyone, pointed and waved.. but that has seemed to pass. He can also say ball now. The worse toddler-ness we are now experiencing is his tantrums and separation anxiety. It is sort of funny how upset he gets and how quickly it happens.. But dealing with it. He isn't walking yet but sometimes he will have a toy in each hand and be standing up without holding on... than realize it and sit down or hold on again. He is hilarious. He can walk great, while holding a toy. So who knows when he will want to actually learn to walk on his own. He is also a big climber now and can climb up onto our upstairs couch without any help. So FUNNY!

That is my baby!! Sorry, my Toddler!!

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