
1st B-day Party

Thursday, September 9, 2010

It's super official... we are Pregnant!

That is right friends and family that are not yet aware, we are 12 weeks pregnant today. I know the time to hold off on telling everyone is like 14 weeks bc of possible miscarriage but I feel okay in this decision.

So if you don't know, my last pregnancy was horrible. I disliked almost all of it. Yeah, obviously the outcome is worth it but why can't I just have a slightly more friendly pregnancy. I was super optimistic (okay I wasn't) that this time around I would not be as sick, but so far, not so good. I have gotten sick 6 out of 7 days a week including the days I take a nice little prescribed pill to help me not puke. It is horrible. It is acid and the water I drank through the night in the mornings and my dinner at nights. Really?? Oh and the heartburn is crazy bad early this time around too.. and I get up at least 2 times per night to go to the bathroom.. and the tiredness..

Enough venting.. we are super excited to welcome Baby Bjoin #2 to the world and our family!! Man I hope it is a girl!! We are undecided about having 2 or 3 children... so we will see what the cards hold. I should know the gender in like 6-8 weeks. I will share at that time..
Until than - feel free to send happy healthy vibes our way!

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