
1st B-day Party

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Pre-Baby Weight!!

If you have had children, you know that hitting your pre-baby weight is a HUGE accomplishment. Now some mommies are super lucky and lose it right away with breastfeeding or the luck of God and genetics... I am not one of those people.
After A came out I only lost like 3 lbs - well he was 8lbs so how did that happen??
Because I had a C-section they were pumping me full of salt water therefore I was retaining a ton of it for quite some time. I had so much water in me that most all my fingers were numb because of it. I wasn't even able to feel my baby with my fingers but used the backs of my hands to feel his skin. It made me cry.
After 2 weeks being home, I lost 30 of my 63lb weight gain. I was pumped but still "big". I started to work out more, joined dodgeball again, joined a softball team near our new house. I would get on the elliptical more, started going to a bootcamp once a week and tried to watch what I was eating more. Than after I stopped breastfeeding at 4 months (Austin was reacting very badly to my milk) I started back up on Jenny Craig and lost another 10lbs over the coarse of 8 weeks or so.
After losing my job I quit Jenny Craig bc the location was by my work but no where near my house.
Recently I got onto Medifast (sister company of JC) in which my step-mom recommended. I dropped 10 pounds in a week!! Than bc of a few trips I gained back a couple pounds but am now back on it and officially at my pre-baby weight!! I can't freaking believe it!! I am so happy!!
NEW GOAL - 10 more pounds or 170lb which is my wedding weight.
My belly is still bigger than before because most of my clothes still don't fit, but I am so freaking close I can taste it! I just need to stick with this and keep my workouts up, I know it helps. I am so happy and can't wait to wear all my clothes again, well for a month at least, since we are going to try and get pg again in a few months! hehe

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