
1st B-day Party

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Don't you think being sick is just the worse way to spend your time and your day? I DO! I was sick all freaking weekend and still am. I was super sick yesterday and stayed home from work, which I only do if I am really bad off. I just hate to waste a "vacation" day being home and in bed all day. BOOO to being sick!
But my hubby was SUPER SWEET and took care of the little guy all day so I could rest. He even woke me up around noon to see if I wanted some of the frozen pizza he made. I didn't really want to get up but thought that sounded pretty good. He even moved the spicy pepperonis off of the one side BEFORE cooking it for me. I am super sensitive to spicy anything and that was really sweet of him to do. Thanks Babe!
I went right back to sleep till 4pm when I decided I needed to finally get up and see my baby.
So now I am back at work and feel much better. I am still a little sick with the coughing and stuffed up nose but I can function. Thank you sleep, husband and NyQuil. :)

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