
1st B-day Party

Thursday, February 11, 2010


At first I was pronouncing and spelling it incorrectly, but have it down now, after lots of research on the topic.
Eczema is a rash that develops on the skin. In infants and small children asthma and allergies come through as eczema. Austin's body is covered, literally his entire body, with Eczema. From the scabby red patches on his head and limbs, to the red bumps all over his chest, back and sides to the more recent (1month) thing happening to his little baby package. The pedi gave us yeast medication for that but it was NOT working after 2 weeks, 4 excruciating applications a day, later and just appeared to actually get worse. On Tuesday night, I made an executive decision to try putting the 1% hydro-cortisone cream on his "area" instead of the prescribed yeast/anti-fungal cream and it was less red the next morning. Also A's desired to pull the crap out of it decreased oh so slightly.
Why did I try a different cream on Tuesday night? During his bath, he attacked his "area" again. I tried to stop him as much as I could but I only have 2 hands (my hubby's 2 hands were busy trying to win another video game battle) so I wasn't able to keep him from going at it. I quickly took him out of the bath - no play time when that is what he wants to play/grab with. I was drying him off and there it was, BLOOD! He freaking made himself bleed. I began to tear up (as I am doing now while typing this) because he is SO MISERABLE! How can I make it better, I have to try something else and I just can't wait any longer (till Thursday Morning). I am so glad I tried it.

Today I took A into a pediatric dermatologist to examine him because his pediatrician advised us to. He isn't getting better with age, but worse. I have a family and personal history of severe asthma and allergies. If you know me (and if you are reading this, you do know me), I am allergic to basically EVERYTHING! Do you know how much it sucks to itch all the time, every single day? To not be able to breath going up the stairs in my home at times? It sucks and to have passed this horrible disease to my first baby boy, it just makes me sick. It is the one thing I prayed for the most while being pregnant. "Please God, do not let this little boy suffer as I have." But nope, he is suffering. The doctor (and her 3, yes 3 assistants) all commented on how happy of a baby he was knowing how miserable and itchy he was all the time. I am blessed to have such a happy baby and yes, it could be so much worse. I am thankful for his general good health.

I was told that he will grow out of it and was given 3 new prescriptions. Okay well 2 are the same things we are already using but in slightly stronger doses. Plus an antihistamine for night time. It is supposed to be more effective and last longer than the Benedryl we were giving him. I will continue to lube up my baby from head to toe in his 2 medicated creams and his super thick lotion/Vaseline 2 times everyday. He cries and screams and hits me every single minute during those little sessions that last about 20 minutes each, but I will stay strong and continue to work on his little body until it is better. The doc was confident that this will all clear up in 2 weeks, but if history is any indicator, I will be doing this for a very long time.
Why couldn't Justin's genes come in to play more here? Seriously, lets go J's little chromosomes!! Dominate!!

I hope A gets better soon, I really do but it is hard to be optimistic every time he screams at me because he hurts. OH and it doesn't help that his 2 bottom teeth are breaking through right now. That is another blog post for another time.

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